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Registered: 19-09-2019
Messages: 146
Rating: 2
09-10-2020 12:48
Which bicycle for seniors would you recommend? I would be interested to hear some advice, looking for a safe option? I hope you have some hints.

Registered: 22-02-2019
Messages: 129
Rating: 4
09-10-2020 13:13
Bicycles can sometimes really be very traumatic, with this I will not argue, in no case ... I recommend that you also pay attention to special three-wheeled options - <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}https://jonsguide.org/best-top-adult-tricycle-reviews/ [jonsguide.org]
The chances of getting injured on such a bike are minimal. Therefore, for older people it will be very useful, and I hope that some of these options will still work for you.

Registered: 19-09-2019
Messages: 146
Rating: 2
11-10-2020 14:26
Wow, I didn't even know that there really are such.
And you know, it seems to me that this really would be the best option among others, so thanks for the advice.

Registered: 23-10-2019
Messages: 48
Rating: 0
01-07-2021 18:30
I love cycling and doing it for almost 6 years. It helped me a lot to make my body fit and healthy. I am looking for buying a bicycle [evernote.com] and want the best. I am ready to pay an even extra amount of money but I want quality. If anyone has good suggestions then please let me know. I will be thankful to them.
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