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Phones.com » News » A spare battery ...

A spare battery for Nexus One cell phone users Sheetal Thakre | , 12:13 p.m. March 2, 2010 2010-03-02

Now, a provision has been made available for the Nexus One cell phone, wherein you can order a spare battery.

Yes, you heard it right. It has become possible where you just have to log on to Google’s official phone ordering website. The spare battery is put on sale, which is believed to be offered for a price around $25.


With this facility, you automatically get benefitted as the availability of an additional battery gives you a hope amid the trouble that may arise on complete discharge of the already incorporated battery.


Also, the constant worry as to how one will manage the long hour’s journey, where the chances of charging may not be possible necessarily could be reduced to some extent now.


So the Nexus One users can go for it, as they the real player i.e. Nexus One cell phone with an overall approach is what the manufacturer seems to be intended with this offering.


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