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Phones.com » News » Nokia may sell ...

Nokia may sell Symbian unit to Accenture V.J. | , 12:30 p.m. July 22, 2009 2009-07-22

According to reports, Nokia has agreed to sell its Symbian Professional Services unit to Accenture. The price was not, however, disclosed. Thus, in the near future the employees of Symbian Professional Services will respond directly to Accenture.

The Unit is responsible for Symbian OS customer engineering and customer support. The Symbian Professional Services (SPS) provides engineering consulting and product development service on a global basis to mobile phone manufacturers, as well as chip manufacturers and mobile operators.

SPS services include advanced technical support, techniques for enhancing performance, memory and power, advanced error diagnosis and repair and other services that can be used in a range of technical environments.

According to CommsDesign, about 165 people will transfer to Accenture following the agreement.

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