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Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 8
Rating: 4
02-02-2008 06:50
i brought two Sandisk 8Gb but the phone is only showing 4 GB memory instead on 8. why so?

Registered: 15-12-2007
Messages: 11
Rating: 2
02-02-2008 06:50
if ur phone is SE then it shows on one Sandisk memory capacity that is 4GB. but don't worry u are using the full 8GB capacity.

Registered: 25-12-2007
Messages: 4
Rating: 0
02-02-2008 06:50
Go to File Manager -> Memory Status, you will see the full Sandisk memory capacity..if u have 8GB it will show 8GB.

Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 8
Rating: 4
02-02-2008 06:51
thanks silvio, but the Phone status and memory status are both showing different memory capacities, but otherwise the phone is working fine and is using full 8GB thanks

Registered: 17-04-2017
Messages: 5
Rating: 1
24-04-2017 10:55
I also faced same issue as like camryn....I also order 16 GB SD card for my Samsung mobile, recently buy online, When i was searchig latest smart phones so reached mobile online store that was infibeam.com, after that amazon and so on..and buy samsung A7 2017 ...after that buy 16 GB SD card when i add into the mobile so it was showing 14.8 GB..means 1.2 GB was less..i return the SD card, and received new one but with same space...then called him ask , so clarifiy e that some space full by default . spce of the coding..thats .

But in your case it is half empty....
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